Friday, May 02, 2008

Oh hey, you still live here?

Well, almost 2 years later. I've had a job, been laid-off, had a another, been replaced, and have a third, that I've had for 8 months. Retail is sucky, just too clarify.

Job-wise, I'm not going anywhere fast.

School-wise, nothing either.

My current job demands an open schedule. This means I take all online courses. I suck at that, and am failing. I'd just wait till I had a better job, but if I do that, I lose my current place of residence. Oh, btw, remember when I said I was staying in the bay area? Yeah, I'm near Sacramento now. Moved essentially on my one year anniversary of this blog.

Personally, I'm doing a bit better. I've grown a bit. In age, maturity, anger/irritation, patience, and cynicism. So, normal growing up.

Though oddly, the music I liked back in 06, I grew to despise, and as of this posting, I'm listening to it again.

Games and stories are what I grasp the best, and enjoy the most. So, this will be about that mostly.

Lessee, I was playing SRO when I last posted. My first MMO was iROSE online. Which became naROSE online, which became ROSE evo. First one was great, the seconds betas sucked, but the main rocked. and the final version blowed hardcore, causing me too leave along with a few friends. They were: Bratty, Wise, JeeSpot, and Jillian. The friends I left behind were Oscar (Who introduced me to the game), Tanaris, and 2 others whose names I have written down, but can't find. Nothing personal, I'll post you guys eventually. While there we pulled 3 people in. Smoke, the two Clammies. After a few months, we quit that game, and went to a private server of a different game. G something, dunno. I have screens somewhere. The admin was Darkslayer, nice guy. I followed Bratty and wise there, we left everyone else behind.

Then, they went to WoW. I followed again. We got to 70 on Horde-side, almost had a friendship breaking argument, and went to Alliance-side. Were we re-leveled to 70. Leaving several more friends behind, and one who turned out to not be as friendly as we thought. On the new side, we have more friends than ever, but they still drift away, and get replaced. Sometimes they drift back, the Clammies followed us here, and got level 70 themselves. Smoke as well, though he switched to a different server.

So, 2 years later. I'm still job-searching, still failing classes, and still gaming. So little has changed, but so much still has.

What will this be? I need a place to rant, to rave, to share what I think is funny, to write, to save, to despair, to hope, and to chronicle.


What will this be?

Let's find out.

Edit: Your names are Viper, and Ses

Edit 2: And teh game with darkslayer was Zentinial mu

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