Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Hey, a new post, what the hell?

Okay, a few miscellaneous things.

The Horde priest I abandoned, I bought myself a second account as a B-Day present, and transferred it over to the other account, and onto my main alliance characters server. Since then, I've been spamming it through BGs, replacing it's greens with purples. :P

Eventually, I'll use the neutral AH to send cloth to it, so I can level tailoring, and enchanting.

In the meantime, I looked up the information, and am saving up to buy the new S2 honor set, and the S4 honor pieces that don't require an arena rating. Those that do, I'm buying the S3 versions that don't, before S4 comes out, and they disappear. When this is done, I'll be wearing 3 pieces of S3, 4 S4, and the rest S2. After that, I'll grab DPS gear, maybe. Oh god do I hate AB and EotS. -_-

I made a rogue a few weeks back, leveled it as daggers. Around 25, I discovered that swords makes for a better (Read: "faster") experience. not as cool as getting a 50% crit ambush, but I guess it'll do. So, I needed a slow sword, and a fast sword. I look around, and because of the recent patch, a lot of main-hand swords were made one-handers. So, a green, [Hardened Iron Shortsword] became my fast offhand. 1.8 speed was the fastest I could find, blue or otherwise. So, now I needed a slow main-hand. I perused the item lists, and decided that while it wasn't the best, it was a close second, and I chose [Protector's Sword], this means I'd have to do some Warsong.

After over a YEAR of being ganked by rogues, it was time to return the favor. And return it I did. WITH INTEREST.

And I would do so without any enchants, gear, or weapons I had not obtained myself. Though, to be fair, this character had the standard 75 gold I send to all my alts. Repairs, buying gear, leveling professions and buying skills can add up. I blew most of it on two daggers. [Talon of Vultros], and [Blackfang]. Everything else was quest and AH greens. And considering the hunter I recently made on a horde server earned 50g on its own just by leveling and gathering while leveling, this isn't un-realistic. Especially since this hunter is only level 12 currently.

I slammed through, tearing everything apart, if it wasn't a twink, It'd be gone in 4-5 hits. Leaving me 2 seconds before I could re-stealth. if it was a twink, it took 6 hits. Even with that extra attack power, crit, and health. You still need skill, luck, and a really good situational awareness. And that ISN'T something your main can give you.

Things I learned.
-Sap is your friend. Improved sap is your lover. Use it on the guy lagging behind, and cull the weak and the sickly. Honor is honor, so why attack the twink warrior, when the regular geared hunter is asking for it?
-Distract is beyond awesome. Got a hunter that you want to kill, but tired of getting eaten? Distract the hunter, then leave him be as he will undoubtedly continue running. Guess what, that pets an NPC, and what do NPCs do when distracted? Nothing. they sit there. And what isn't a pet doing when it's sitting there? Eating your face. Distracting only the pet is more effective, but less fun. Sap hunter, ambush, gouge, backstab, SS, and evis. Dead hunter, and his pet wasn't able to get there in time.
-Sometimes getting the job done, means not doing it yourself. A competent player can kill you, a competent twink with slaughter you. You have a number of abilities that will allow you to delay a battle even joining. Sap, distract, cheapshot and vanish. Use them. A twink with the flag? Sap him, and keep him sapped till reinforcements arrive. Diminishing returns? Distract him from behind, and he'll run the wrong way. Then, sap him again.
-Flagrunner you can't get too? Distract from behind. He'll run towards his perusers. Priceless.
-Still alive? Cheapshot. 4 seconds for your buddies to start a gank-fest.
-Damn, STILL alive? Sprint ahead, gouge.
-Okay, healer gone now, but damn is he fast. Sprint, vanish, distract/sap/cheapshot.

Congratulations, you have become the single most annoying player on the field. Don't be surprised if an enemy group decides that protecting their carrier is second in priority to kicking your ass on sight. And if they do, you're still causing their carrier to be unprotected.

I recently began the process of upgrading my main as well. Mat farming is teh begin!

Oh god.

Winning moment: Flag carrier running through tunnel, I distract him backwards. He runs back the way he came, gets to the flag room, and looks around confused.

"Wtf, I was just here..."

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