Monday, September 04, 2006

Hey, look, a second post! YATTA!

No, I didn't give up, die, quit the internet, or anything else.

I was busy.

And lazy.

But mostly busy.

Let's see. Last post was right before the LAN party. It went well; the Doomed Legion guys were pretty cool (Except for the camping sniper... wait, he was on my team... YAY FOR THE CAMPING SNIPER!). Mostly we played Team fortress, and Battlefront 2. Both games I had never played before. In team fortress it turned out that I have pretty damn good aim at med to short range, so using a heavy I was actually able to snipe a bit from on top of boxes and things. Seriously, with a chain gun that big, you don't need to hit with every bullet, but if you do, you are a GOD.

We played a soccer version, kind of like capture the flag, but soccer. Well, everyone chose to use a scout, with a high speed. Till I managed to get the ball, wade through the entire other team, and score.

I didn't even have to aim.

Just pull the trigger and wave the damn thing around. If even a single bullet hit them, they went down like something that goes down often.

Yeah, I need some sleep...

Wait, I have one!

Nah, that’s a cliché.

Battlefront 2 was good too. We did mostly space missions, for fun. Eventually, I stopped trying to pilot a ship, because I'd get my ass kicked. Instead, we got our best pilot to drive most of our team to the other team’s capital ship, land inside its cargo bay, and kick ass. Slowly but surely, the other team would either die, and respawn to find our whole team a few feet away, or come into the bay to get us, since we were destroying they're ship from the inside.

By the time enough of them were spawning to be trouble, we all had the award rifle, and could drop them in one volley anyways.

It was horribly one-sided.

Only one of the enemy pilots didn’t get killed.

The best one; he spent the whole time bombing our ship. Unfortunately, we were doing much more damage to his, than he was to ours. Wait, I mean fortunately.

That only worked for one game.

Next game, they tried it on us, but a team-mate and I had just died, and saw them entering the landing bay while we were waiting to respawn (We had been trying to get back into the bay at the same time, since we were both about to blow up, when a computer controlled fighter came out of the bay, slammed into me, then into him. All three of us blew up), so we both spawned as marines instead of weak pilots, and proceeded to kick ass. They got us a few times, but we got them more.

Ground missions I just went in as an engineer, and built a turrent, then sniped at the other team the whole game. Good kill count, not one death, but not really that fun.

Note: Microsoft word knows what a torrent is, but not a turrent. Yay for word.

Oh, and we had cake.

Mustn’t forget the cake.

The week after that I spent rushing around job-searching, getting ready for school, and sleeping.

I also ate sometime in there, Dunno when. But my waist is still the same size, so I assume I did.

Well, I have the beach trip, my first week back to school, and then a game to rant about. But, I need to get back to homework.

So, here’s the link for this week. The next few posts will contain these tidbits.

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Darken -

“A fantasy adventure that can't keep a straight face. Following the tale of an evil knight and his minions in their quest to rule the world”

Gort is an evil knight (Yay!) that makes a deal with a demon in order to kill Leon, a holy warrior of sorts. Gort kills Leon, and tries to go back on his deal. He is killed, and then brought before the Demon Lord Mephistopheles. The Demon Lord offers to send him back to the world of the living, if he were to carry out a quest for him.

Gort is back, and with a neat ability to summon hell-fire, he begins to accumulate a party to accomplish the quest and take over the world.

Now if only they could stop trying to back-stab each other…

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Also, I’m thinking of starting up a mailing list, or something, just a little tidbit to let you know that I’ve updated nothing more.

Now, if anyone actually reads this, that’ll be implemented. Otherwise, I’ll just wait, till either I get bored waiting, or someone does.

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