Thursday, August 03, 2006

Every Journey has a beginning...

Wonder what it means if you start in the middle...

But yeah, Night + Mountain Dew a philosopher do not make.

Well, introductions. You're generic Internet user, you're from every place on earth (Except Atlantis, heard they can't get electricity down there).

Me? I'm a college student in the California Bay area. Not exactly a good one, but I am. I have a few too many interests to mention (Excuse to be lazy, yay). I'll mention them as I write, unless I get hired by the FBI, then this would be classified top secret, and I would have to send Strike Teams to each of your houses.

Pretty sure they won't though.

Still, that would have been fun.

(Makes a note)

I'm majoring in Graphic Design, though it turns out, that unless it's Photoshop, I'm really not that good at it (Illustrator is teh devil! Omgwtf!11!!!). I spend a lot of time on the Internet as a result, and will randomly type like that obscene sentence you just read for emphasis, not because I failed High School Freshmen English (It was Junior).

As I mentioned, I'm job-searching. If it's hiring, I'm applying. Or, as I call it, "The Shotgun Approach". For those who aren't blessed by the First Person Shooter Gods, I'm applying first, asking questions ("What do you guys do again?") later.

Not really picky about it.

Let's see, why am I making this? Well, I don't have goals. Any, except for short term (I'm hungry, I should eat) (I'm broke, I need a job) type things. Goal or no Goal, I have made a major life decision. I moved from Sacramento, to the Bay Area almost a year ago. It was meant as a trial type thing, so I could get away from my brother and sister.

Well, I'm staying.

Awfully tempted to type the alternate version of "Female Dog" there, but as I am neither a Rapper, Poser, or a Counter Strike player, I will resist.

What do I do after job searching, but before sleeping?

Well, I play Silkroad Online, read webcomics, listen to music, read books/graphic novels/manga, watch downloaded things of non-specific nature (Shifty eyes) (JeeSpot - No, not porn. Get away), and attempt to write.

I also sacrifice Kittens to the Elder Gods, but PETA found out... So I have to use a Tofu substitute now.

What will be in this blog? Anything and everything. Pictures I edit, school projects, in game chats/stories, writing ideas, and yes, rants as well.

Everyone needs a good rant now and then.

Good for the system, and brain. It's not good to hold a rant in, look what happened to (Insert famous politician here), they're clearly brain-dead now, the pressure of holding the rant in plastered their cranial matter to their skull. Course you wouldn't be able to tell, what with the people they hang out with in (Major political affiliation or party).

But yeah, while I am registered to a political party, I don't really hold myself to any of them.

I'd rather sit off to the side with my two robot friends, and comment on the bad acting, and overall poor quality of the production.

Well, it's late, I have a rant saved up, but I think sleep is a good idea. There's a place I applied to just 15 minutes from where I go to school, the manager likes me, and last time I applied, wanted to interview me. I didn't hear anything about it (Damn you Cingular! DAMN YOU!), and now there are several people in between me and the job. Thankfully, none of them have bugged the manager, nor shown any interest in following up, while I have.

One of the few cases where spamming someone may be beneficial...

After that, some friends from my colleges Gaming and Anime club have a nice nifty LAN party planned.

I plan on messing with all of their computers, or at least playing puppetmaster again and manipulating the outcomes of the various games.

Makes RTS's much more fun.

---- ---- ---- ----

I plan on reviewing one webcomic/game/misc. at the end of every post.


Dominic Deegan -

A webcomic centered around a character named... well, this isn't Zelda, so I guess the Characters name is pretty obvious. Rather than being a big buff sword wielding he-man with a strange past and an affinity for a certain element (Fire...). He is instead, a frail man, who gets his ass handed to him on a semi-regular basis. What makes him different, is that he is a Seer. He can see what happens, before it happens.

Pre-emptive no on any and all jokes/quip and anything else involving a Joke about Seers. Seriously, he's heard it. All of them, many times, before they were even told.

The humour is more pun oriented, and relies on Sight gags (Hah, second sight! HAHA! ... Yeah, like I said, it's been done). The artwork isn't going to find it's way into an art museum, but is light-years beyond what I can do.

I suggest you peak at some of the more recent comics, to get an idea of how far the art improves, then go back and read from the begining, you won't be disappointed.

Now, why did I chose this comic?

Well, it certainly isn't for this reason and certainly doesn't involve a certain LAN party I'll be at tomorrow...

Note: Due to my MMORPG gaming, my spelling, and grammar have become a little... off. Like cheese several decades past it's expiration date. Hang with me, and please, don't hate.

Further Note: I'll edit the coding for this... later. As well as fix my ava pic.


Anonymous said...

you are about the most interesting person i know.. EVER CONSIDER DOING A LITTLE STORY WRITING? oops there goes that damn caps lock again. You should really think about it!!!

Anonymous said...

Bet you cant figure out who left the previous

Carrin said...

Lemme see, caps lock...

Must be Bratty. XD

TY, but I have a hard time story-writing. I can never figure out how to start.