Thursday, May 29, 2008

The novelty has run off

I'm working on making this thing look spiffy. I don't want to just use someone else template, so I'll be making it all my own.

Time to go read.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Oh, and just cause.

Character list! Well, the characters who matter, generally being ones I play often enough they may or may not hit 70.

Tsiar - 70 BM Hunter
Jayeth - 30 Holy Pally
Waylan - 22 Aff lock
Linsha - 30 Enh Shammy
Teyre - 49 BM Hunter
Tsai - 27 Subtle Rogue
Carrin - 70 Holy Priest

I do a lot of reading on the mechanics and such of these classes. So, while I'm not an expert, I do know a bit.

Why post this?


Hey, a new post, what the hell?

Okay, a few miscellaneous things.

The Horde priest I abandoned, I bought myself a second account as a B-Day present, and transferred it over to the other account, and onto my main alliance characters server. Since then, I've been spamming it through BGs, replacing it's greens with purples. :P

Eventually, I'll use the neutral AH to send cloth to it, so I can level tailoring, and enchanting.

In the meantime, I looked up the information, and am saving up to buy the new S2 honor set, and the S4 honor pieces that don't require an arena rating. Those that do, I'm buying the S3 versions that don't, before S4 comes out, and they disappear. When this is done, I'll be wearing 3 pieces of S3, 4 S4, and the rest S2. After that, I'll grab DPS gear, maybe. Oh god do I hate AB and EotS. -_-

I made a rogue a few weeks back, leveled it as daggers. Around 25, I discovered that swords makes for a better (Read: "faster") experience. not as cool as getting a 50% crit ambush, but I guess it'll do. So, I needed a slow sword, and a fast sword. I look around, and because of the recent patch, a lot of main-hand swords were made one-handers. So, a green, [Hardened Iron Shortsword] became my fast offhand. 1.8 speed was the fastest I could find, blue or otherwise. So, now I needed a slow main-hand. I perused the item lists, and decided that while it wasn't the best, it was a close second, and I chose [Protector's Sword], this means I'd have to do some Warsong.

After over a YEAR of being ganked by rogues, it was time to return the favor. And return it I did. WITH INTEREST.

And I would do so without any enchants, gear, or weapons I had not obtained myself. Though, to be fair, this character had the standard 75 gold I send to all my alts. Repairs, buying gear, leveling professions and buying skills can add up. I blew most of it on two daggers. [Talon of Vultros], and [Blackfang]. Everything else was quest and AH greens. And considering the hunter I recently made on a horde server earned 50g on its own just by leveling and gathering while leveling, this isn't un-realistic. Especially since this hunter is only level 12 currently.

I slammed through, tearing everything apart, if it wasn't a twink, It'd be gone in 4-5 hits. Leaving me 2 seconds before I could re-stealth. if it was a twink, it took 6 hits. Even with that extra attack power, crit, and health. You still need skill, luck, and a really good situational awareness. And that ISN'T something your main can give you.

Things I learned.
-Sap is your friend. Improved sap is your lover. Use it on the guy lagging behind, and cull the weak and the sickly. Honor is honor, so why attack the twink warrior, when the regular geared hunter is asking for it?
-Distract is beyond awesome. Got a hunter that you want to kill, but tired of getting eaten? Distract the hunter, then leave him be as he will undoubtedly continue running. Guess what, that pets an NPC, and what do NPCs do when distracted? Nothing. they sit there. And what isn't a pet doing when it's sitting there? Eating your face. Distracting only the pet is more effective, but less fun. Sap hunter, ambush, gouge, backstab, SS, and evis. Dead hunter, and his pet wasn't able to get there in time.
-Sometimes getting the job done, means not doing it yourself. A competent player can kill you, a competent twink with slaughter you. You have a number of abilities that will allow you to delay a battle even joining. Sap, distract, cheapshot and vanish. Use them. A twink with the flag? Sap him, and keep him sapped till reinforcements arrive. Diminishing returns? Distract him from behind, and he'll run the wrong way. Then, sap him again.
-Flagrunner you can't get too? Distract from behind. He'll run towards his perusers. Priceless.
-Still alive? Cheapshot. 4 seconds for your buddies to start a gank-fest.
-Damn, STILL alive? Sprint ahead, gouge.
-Okay, healer gone now, but damn is he fast. Sprint, vanish, distract/sap/cheapshot.

Congratulations, you have become the single most annoying player on the field. Don't be surprised if an enemy group decides that protecting their carrier is second in priority to kicking your ass on sight. And if they do, you're still causing their carrier to be unprotected.

I recently began the process of upgrading my main as well. Mat farming is teh begin!

Oh god.

Winning moment: Flag carrier running through tunnel, I distract him backwards. He runs back the way he came, gets to the flag room, and looks around confused.

"Wtf, I was just here..."

Friday, May 02, 2008

Oh hey, you still live here?

Well, almost 2 years later. I've had a job, been laid-off, had a another, been replaced, and have a third, that I've had for 8 months. Retail is sucky, just too clarify.

Job-wise, I'm not going anywhere fast.

School-wise, nothing either.

My current job demands an open schedule. This means I take all online courses. I suck at that, and am failing. I'd just wait till I had a better job, but if I do that, I lose my current place of residence. Oh, btw, remember when I said I was staying in the bay area? Yeah, I'm near Sacramento now. Moved essentially on my one year anniversary of this blog.

Personally, I'm doing a bit better. I've grown a bit. In age, maturity, anger/irritation, patience, and cynicism. So, normal growing up.

Though oddly, the music I liked back in 06, I grew to despise, and as of this posting, I'm listening to it again.

Games and stories are what I grasp the best, and enjoy the most. So, this will be about that mostly.

Lessee, I was playing SRO when I last posted. My first MMO was iROSE online. Which became naROSE online, which became ROSE evo. First one was great, the seconds betas sucked, but the main rocked. and the final version blowed hardcore, causing me too leave along with a few friends. They were: Bratty, Wise, JeeSpot, and Jillian. The friends I left behind were Oscar (Who introduced me to the game), Tanaris, and 2 others whose names I have written down, but can't find. Nothing personal, I'll post you guys eventually. While there we pulled 3 people in. Smoke, the two Clammies. After a few months, we quit that game, and went to a private server of a different game. G something, dunno. I have screens somewhere. The admin was Darkslayer, nice guy. I followed Bratty and wise there, we left everyone else behind.

Then, they went to WoW. I followed again. We got to 70 on Horde-side, almost had a friendship breaking argument, and went to Alliance-side. Were we re-leveled to 70. Leaving several more friends behind, and one who turned out to not be as friendly as we thought. On the new side, we have more friends than ever, but they still drift away, and get replaced. Sometimes they drift back, the Clammies followed us here, and got level 70 themselves. Smoke as well, though he switched to a different server.

So, 2 years later. I'm still job-searching, still failing classes, and still gaming. So little has changed, but so much still has.

What will this be? I need a place to rant, to rave, to share what I think is funny, to write, to save, to despair, to hope, and to chronicle.


What will this be?

Let's find out.

Edit: Your names are Viper, and Ses

Edit 2: And teh game with darkslayer was Zentinial mu

Monday, September 04, 2006

Hey, look, a second post! YATTA!

No, I didn't give up, die, quit the internet, or anything else.

I was busy.

And lazy.

But mostly busy.

Let's see. Last post was right before the LAN party. It went well; the Doomed Legion guys were pretty cool (Except for the camping sniper... wait, he was on my team... YAY FOR THE CAMPING SNIPER!). Mostly we played Team fortress, and Battlefront 2. Both games I had never played before. In team fortress it turned out that I have pretty damn good aim at med to short range, so using a heavy I was actually able to snipe a bit from on top of boxes and things. Seriously, with a chain gun that big, you don't need to hit with every bullet, but if you do, you are a GOD.

We played a soccer version, kind of like capture the flag, but soccer. Well, everyone chose to use a scout, with a high speed. Till I managed to get the ball, wade through the entire other team, and score.

I didn't even have to aim.

Just pull the trigger and wave the damn thing around. If even a single bullet hit them, they went down like something that goes down often.

Yeah, I need some sleep...

Wait, I have one!

Nah, that’s a cliché.

Battlefront 2 was good too. We did mostly space missions, for fun. Eventually, I stopped trying to pilot a ship, because I'd get my ass kicked. Instead, we got our best pilot to drive most of our team to the other team’s capital ship, land inside its cargo bay, and kick ass. Slowly but surely, the other team would either die, and respawn to find our whole team a few feet away, or come into the bay to get us, since we were destroying they're ship from the inside.

By the time enough of them were spawning to be trouble, we all had the award rifle, and could drop them in one volley anyways.

It was horribly one-sided.

Only one of the enemy pilots didn’t get killed.

The best one; he spent the whole time bombing our ship. Unfortunately, we were doing much more damage to his, than he was to ours. Wait, I mean fortunately.

That only worked for one game.

Next game, they tried it on us, but a team-mate and I had just died, and saw them entering the landing bay while we were waiting to respawn (We had been trying to get back into the bay at the same time, since we were both about to blow up, when a computer controlled fighter came out of the bay, slammed into me, then into him. All three of us blew up), so we both spawned as marines instead of weak pilots, and proceeded to kick ass. They got us a few times, but we got them more.

Ground missions I just went in as an engineer, and built a turrent, then sniped at the other team the whole game. Good kill count, not one death, but not really that fun.

Note: Microsoft word knows what a torrent is, but not a turrent. Yay for word.

Oh, and we had cake.

Mustn’t forget the cake.

The week after that I spent rushing around job-searching, getting ready for school, and sleeping.

I also ate sometime in there, Dunno when. But my waist is still the same size, so I assume I did.

Well, I have the beach trip, my first week back to school, and then a game to rant about. But, I need to get back to homework.

So, here’s the link for this week. The next few posts will contain these tidbits.

---- ---- ---- ----

Darken -

“A fantasy adventure that can't keep a straight face. Following the tale of an evil knight and his minions in their quest to rule the world”

Gort is an evil knight (Yay!) that makes a deal with a demon in order to kill Leon, a holy warrior of sorts. Gort kills Leon, and tries to go back on his deal. He is killed, and then brought before the Demon Lord Mephistopheles. The Demon Lord offers to send him back to the world of the living, if he were to carry out a quest for him.

Gort is back, and with a neat ability to summon hell-fire, he begins to accumulate a party to accomplish the quest and take over the world.

Now if only they could stop trying to back-stab each other…

---- ---- ---- ----

Also, I’m thinking of starting up a mailing list, or something, just a little tidbit to let you know that I’ve updated nothing more.

Now, if anyone actually reads this, that’ll be implemented. Otherwise, I’ll just wait, till either I get bored waiting, or someone does.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Every Journey has a beginning...

Wonder what it means if you start in the middle...

But yeah, Night + Mountain Dew a philosopher do not make.

Well, introductions. You're generic Internet user, you're from every place on earth (Except Atlantis, heard they can't get electricity down there).

Me? I'm a college student in the California Bay area. Not exactly a good one, but I am. I have a few too many interests to mention (Excuse to be lazy, yay). I'll mention them as I write, unless I get hired by the FBI, then this would be classified top secret, and I would have to send Strike Teams to each of your houses.

Pretty sure they won't though.

Still, that would have been fun.

(Makes a note)

I'm majoring in Graphic Design, though it turns out, that unless it's Photoshop, I'm really not that good at it (Illustrator is teh devil! Omgwtf!11!!!). I spend a lot of time on the Internet as a result, and will randomly type like that obscene sentence you just read for emphasis, not because I failed High School Freshmen English (It was Junior).

As I mentioned, I'm job-searching. If it's hiring, I'm applying. Or, as I call it, "The Shotgun Approach". For those who aren't blessed by the First Person Shooter Gods, I'm applying first, asking questions ("What do you guys do again?") later.

Not really picky about it.

Let's see, why am I making this? Well, I don't have goals. Any, except for short term (I'm hungry, I should eat) (I'm broke, I need a job) type things. Goal or no Goal, I have made a major life decision. I moved from Sacramento, to the Bay Area almost a year ago. It was meant as a trial type thing, so I could get away from my brother and sister.

Well, I'm staying.

Awfully tempted to type the alternate version of "Female Dog" there, but as I am neither a Rapper, Poser, or a Counter Strike player, I will resist.

What do I do after job searching, but before sleeping?

Well, I play Silkroad Online, read webcomics, listen to music, read books/graphic novels/manga, watch downloaded things of non-specific nature (Shifty eyes) (JeeSpot - No, not porn. Get away), and attempt to write.

I also sacrifice Kittens to the Elder Gods, but PETA found out... So I have to use a Tofu substitute now.

What will be in this blog? Anything and everything. Pictures I edit, school projects, in game chats/stories, writing ideas, and yes, rants as well.

Everyone needs a good rant now and then.

Good for the system, and brain. It's not good to hold a rant in, look what happened to (Insert famous politician here), they're clearly brain-dead now, the pressure of holding the rant in plastered their cranial matter to their skull. Course you wouldn't be able to tell, what with the people they hang out with in (Major political affiliation or party).

But yeah, while I am registered to a political party, I don't really hold myself to any of them.

I'd rather sit off to the side with my two robot friends, and comment on the bad acting, and overall poor quality of the production.

Well, it's late, I have a rant saved up, but I think sleep is a good idea. There's a place I applied to just 15 minutes from where I go to school, the manager likes me, and last time I applied, wanted to interview me. I didn't hear anything about it (Damn you Cingular! DAMN YOU!), and now there are several people in between me and the job. Thankfully, none of them have bugged the manager, nor shown any interest in following up, while I have.

One of the few cases where spamming someone may be beneficial...

After that, some friends from my colleges Gaming and Anime club have a nice nifty LAN party planned.

I plan on messing with all of their computers, or at least playing puppetmaster again and manipulating the outcomes of the various games.

Makes RTS's much more fun.

---- ---- ---- ----

I plan on reviewing one webcomic/game/misc. at the end of every post.


Dominic Deegan -

A webcomic centered around a character named... well, this isn't Zelda, so I guess the Characters name is pretty obvious. Rather than being a big buff sword wielding he-man with a strange past and an affinity for a certain element (Fire...). He is instead, a frail man, who gets his ass handed to him on a semi-regular basis. What makes him different, is that he is a Seer. He can see what happens, before it happens.

Pre-emptive no on any and all jokes/quip and anything else involving a Joke about Seers. Seriously, he's heard it. All of them, many times, before they were even told.

The humour is more pun oriented, and relies on Sight gags (Hah, second sight! HAHA! ... Yeah, like I said, it's been done). The artwork isn't going to find it's way into an art museum, but is light-years beyond what I can do.

I suggest you peak at some of the more recent comics, to get an idea of how far the art improves, then go back and read from the begining, you won't be disappointed.

Now, why did I chose this comic?

Well, it certainly isn't for this reason and certainly doesn't involve a certain LAN party I'll be at tomorrow...

Note: Due to my MMORPG gaming, my spelling, and grammar have become a little... off. Like cheese several decades past it's expiration date. Hang with me, and please, don't hate.

Further Note: I'll edit the coding for this... later. As well as fix my ava pic.